
In these posts, I explain electrical engineering like the working of AC supply, circuit breakers, capacitors, inductors, control systems, Mosfet, thyristors, IGBT, inverters, DC supply, SMPS, power transmission, etc.

I will also cover power factors, reactive power, transformers like PT, SMPS transformer, open circuit current transformer, and also locomotive engine working concepts

Low Power Factor Correction, Its Causes, How and Why to Correct PF

Power factor correction concept

In this post, I discuss: why “power factor correction” and its method, the causes and problems of low power factor, and how to correct power factor and its advantages. You will also learn fixed step type and continuous variable PF correction, the need for fast correction (SVC), and the need for an extra inductor.

There are many more advantages of power factor correction discussed in this article.

I will also discuss extra knowledge as per my industry experience of designing such control equipment. The power factor correction is done for many reasons.

Low Power Factor Correction, Its Causes, How and Why to Correct PF Read More »

How the SMPS Transformer works – concept

smps transformer concept

I will explain about the SMPS switching transformer working concept. I will also discuss the core type, losses, Litz winding type, voltage and flux generation sequence, and reason for the small size and less weight of the SMPS transformer and differences from the power transformer.

I will also tell about using 1952 numbers of transformers used in one of our projects.

How the SMPS Transformer works – concept Read More »