In this article, you will learn how to become a topper in college. However, in addition to the hard work, we need to follow some study methods to make it easy. Anybody including you can become a topper also, by following these methods and 7 study tips.

If you are willing to put in hard work to become a topper in your college or engineering college, then this article is for you. These tips will help you to become a topper.
This article does not tell any magic idea to become a topper without hard work.
Some tips proposed in this article, like learning by seeing the book pages (and already tried by me and my many students) require some practice in the beginning. As this is some kind of triggering to the subconscious mind to make it ready to learn.
This method was tried by me in my science field successfully (Physics, chemistry, and math). I had a hearing problem in college time (even now at the age of 60 plus, I have the problem). So I had no option but to discover some method to get good marks.
I got only 55 percent marks in the 12th standard but became a gold medallist and university rank holder at Kanpur university by following these methods of study tips while doing my B.Sc science (1973) in spite of my hearing problem. You also can certainly do it. Here is the certificate.

The concepts of science became so clear to me after following the above tips that I completed my engineering degree also easy even with hearing problems and without following the above tips.
I am going to share these secrets with all of you. I just want to say that these methods were followed by me and made me a topper in college. It is left to you how much can make use of these methods.
7 Study Tips to Become a College Topper
First I will list all 7 study tips to become a topper in college, as you may be eagerly looking for tips as fast as possible. These study tips are discussed further in more detail.
You can become a topper in a science or engineering college with hard work and by following the 7 study tips explained in this article as follows:
- Read once before attending the class
- See the page you want to read before reading the book the first time
- Read and study at home after studying in class, and also write it once after reading and understanding
- Take rest for 5 minutes after reading every 15 minutes
- Do the revision just by seeing it every Sunday
- Do the revision from the same book you studied
- Do revision by seeing in the morning of the exam day
You might have realized the hard work needed for these study tips to become a topper. If you are comfortable then continue to read this article on “How to become a topper in college”.
Now I will discuss these 7 study tips in more detail.
Study tip 1 – Read in advance to become a college topper
Read once before attending the class (even if you do not understand it) to become a topper in college.
When we go to class and the teacher starts explaining, then it takes some time just to understand what exactly the teacher is explaining.
But if we just go through the book at home before going to class, then we can understand faster. As our mind is already a little familiar with that subject.
Study tip 2 – See the page to be learned
See the page you want to read before reading the book the first time.
We must see the page before even learning from a book. In this process, we open the book, see the headings, and speak the headings and just see all images, etc. It will take just about a minute or two to see many pages like this. I made a video to demonstrate this (but that is in Hindi) and the link is given in the last of this post.
This process speeds up the learning process from the book, as the mind is already familiar with the topic and content to be learned. It will help you to become a topper in college.
Study tip 3 – Revision by writing
Read and study at home after studying in class, and also write it once after reading and understanding.
This is nothing but revision at home. But writing makes sure that the learned subject remains in mind for a longer time.
Study tip 4 – How to study longer
Take rest for 5 minutes after reading every 15 minutes to study longer.
We get tired during longer study time. Then the mind takes a long time to learn.
We can keep our minds fresh by taking frequent rest. I was taking 5 minutes of rest every 15 minutes. You can decide the rest time suitable for you.
Refer figure given below for learning efficiency of mind. The full red line shows that efficiency is coming down with time.
But if we take a rest as shown by the green color lines, then mind efficiency improves. You can see that frequent rest keeps the mind’s learning efficiency much more than the learning efficiency without rest.

So being able to study longer with a fresh mind will help you to learn faster overall and to become a topper in college.
Study tip 5 – Revision by seeing
Do the revision just by seeing it every Sunday.
Our mind forgets in the beginning faster. If we do revision after a few days, then the process of keeping remembering lessons will improve.
Revision by seeing every Sunday is just a reminder to the mind that Hey this you have learned recently, do not forget it. Even in normal life, if someone reminds us of some activity, then the chances of completing that activity improves. The same logic follows here also.
Whatever we study in a week, we should do revision. This will help you to remember the learned chapter and hence become a topper in college.
Study tip 6 – The same book
Do the revision from the same book you studied.
We should try to do revision from the same book we learned at first. If you want a different book for some topics, then do it. But then revision of such topic also should be done from the very same book. See the demo in the video given in the last.
Study tip 7 – Revision by seeing the exam day
Do revision by seeing in the morning of the exam day
If we could do a revision on exam day, then it will help. But we have limited time to do revision for the entire book.
But doing revision by seeing make the process faster. It is just a reminder to my mind that I learned these topics some time back. just remember. See the demo in the video.
A video with the demo on How to become a topper in college with the demo (but in Hindi voice) is given below.

I hope that you enjoyed reading the post on “How to Become a Topper in College”.
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About the author – G K Agrawal B.Sc and B.Tech (from HBTU Kanpur), Retd. Sr DGM Design (BHEL), the inventor of patents, has lifelong industry experience in the electrical and electronics design field of R&D. He worked for BHEL. He shares his experience and knowledge on blogs and YouTube. Read the profile here.